SINCE 1993
The Bar Plan Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing education in ethics, malpractice prevention, and professionalism in the practice of law. Drawing on our ethics CLE series, risk management hotline, practice management programs, and law school scholarship program, The Foundation takes a multi-faceted approach to advancing the legal profession.
Building the Foundation for LEGAL Excellence
Established in 1993, The Bar Plan Foundation was created with the mission to support and protect today’s legal practices while preparing future generations of lawyers to lead with integrity. Our primary means for accomplishing this goal is through The Foundation’s Risk Management seminar and webinar series. We also conduct in-house law firm seminars and participate in state and local bar association conferences. We offer a law firm audit program and operate a confidential and complimentary risk management telephone hotline for lawyers facing ethics or malpractice questions.
In addition, The Foundation awards annual scholarships to third-year law students attending law schools in Missouri and Kansas. These scholarships are funded by The Foundation’s annual golf tournament. Proceeds from the tournament also allow us to contribute to various not-for-profit organizations in the communities we serve.